absolute monarchの例文
- the distress of the ertuğrul made a great impact on people in the ottoman empire; however , under the rule of the absolute monarch abdülhamid ii , the incident was regarded as martyrdom due to a natural disaster and the aspect as a man-made calamity was concealed .
エルトゥールル号の遭難はオスマン帝国の国内に大きな衝撃を呼んだが、専制君主アブデュルハミト2世のもとでは人災としての側面は覆い隠され、天災による殉難と位置付けられた。 - emperor shirakawa , who was the son of gosanjo , needed to become a conservator for his son , emperor horikawa , and his grandson , emperor toba , since they both were enthroned in their childhood , gradually came into power , and finally , he came to reign over the imperial court as an absolute monarch .
後三条の子息の白河天皇は、子息堀河天皇・孫鳥羽天皇がいずれも幼少で即位し、父・祖父として後見役となる必要があったことから、次第に権力を掌握するようになり、最終的には専制君主として朝廷に君臨するに至った。 - there is the accusation as well that his establishment of a completely centralized feudal control system , in which , with the tokugawa shogun family placed as the absolute monarch , even the emperor family in addition to the imperial court as well as daimyo , temples and shrines throughout the nation were placed under its control virtually and closed diplomatic policies were taken , was a factor that delayed modernization of japan .
徳川将軍家を絶対君主制とする、全国の諸大名をはじめ寺社勢力、朝廷そして天皇家までも実質支配下に置き、さらには外交面でも閉鎖的な徹底した中央集権的封建支配体制を築き上げたことは日本の近代化を遅れさせる一因となったという非難の声もある。 - furthermore , montblanc convinced the influential parisian papers such as " le figaro ," " le journal des débats ," and " le temps " to publish an article in line with the opinion he had already been announced at the geographic society; that japan was not ruled by a tokugawa shogun as an absolute monarch , but instead was a federation where many local feudal lords exist , like in germany , and that even the tokugawa family was just one of those feudal lords .
モンブランはさらにパリの有力紙『フィガロ (新聞)』『デバ』『ル・タン』といった新聞に、すでに地理学会で発表していた「日本は絶対君主としての徳川将軍が治める国ではなく、ドイツと同様各地の大名が林立する領邦国家であり、徳川家といえども一大名に過ぎない」との論調の記事を掲載させた。